Deep Steam Carpet Cleaning by Cosmopolit Carpet Cleaners in London

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Carpet Steam Cleaning


Using the power of steam in cleaning industrial, working and domestic areas has become more and more popular because of its practicality. Conventional methods of cleaning usually find difficulties in removing dirt that is hidden from the naked eye. Although it uses active ingredients and water constitutes as its cleaning agents, it cannot effectively penetrate into tiny cracks and holes where bacteria and mould breed.

There are many good reasons that cause people to choose steam cleaning method over others. Since industrial steam cleaning methods make use of dry steam, the molecules of the high temperature steam can easily penetrate through seams, cracks and holes where bacteria and mould usually thrive.

Domestic steam cleaning makes use of a saturated form of steam with a temperature of up to 125ºC and pressure of 130 psi to clean and sanitize the areas.

The technique is a combination of hot water cleaning solution with a wet vacuuming process. Steam Cleaning Carpets sucks up all the dirt from deep inside the carpet. At the same time it helps to remove small stains from the surface.

In case your carpet and upholstery has some major stains the trained professionals will use a hand held stain remover to remove the stains one by one. When the process is completed you will no longer see any stains visible on the surface nor will there be any speck of dirt left deep inside the surface of the carpet. The steaming process also consists of deodorizing your carpet eliminating any foul smells of dirty fibres and giving it an over all fresh and plush look. In its essence steam cleaning is one of the best carpet cleaning methods that you can have. View before and after carpet cleaning photos of actual jobs done in London.

Sources: Tomaz Mencinger / buzzle and Terro White / HubPages


Steam Carpet Cleaning

Steam palm print on window
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